Friday, November 7, 2014

Real. Life.

There's a kitchen underneath it all
Today I can't taste anything. I'm being optimistic that it's a sign that this cold is on it's way out the door. It's been a really long week. We set our clocks back and ever since it's been one continuous night. Luke, Erin and I all got a wretched---and I mean wretched--cold. The kind where you get a fever and it makes your lips peel. Your ears and throat are sore and itchy, your nose is stuffed AND runny ( not sure how that is even possible) and when you cough it feels a little like you are trying to get rid of your lungs. Pretty picture, huh? It's not. I know. Every morning I look at the bags under my eyes and I'm so thankful I can hide from the public, in my cozy house with a cup of tea. Somehow, with as little sleep as I have been functioning on over the last couple years- it's never been bad enough to cause baggy eyes. Well, now it is.
Toys, more dishes, and flattened cushion forts
SO! With all this loveliness going on- you can imagine that I've been whistling while I work- keeping up with all my little house wife duties and smiling all the way. Seriously. You have to imagine that because it's not real. Reality is. Messy. Smelly. Tired. Unorganized. Fussy. Complainy. Emotional. ( I for some reason decided that it would improve my puffy eyes if I bawled my eyes out watching some--very good and inspiring videos online--it didn't--they got puffier. ) It's  looking forward to nap time, then missing your babies after they are asleep. Then crying when they wake up too early. It's learning to still give when you feel like it's impossible. Learning to calmly correct when your toddler keeps disobeying. It's that time you finally sit down to relax and your toddler spills milk all over himself and down the couch cushions...Oh. yeah. That happened.
 All that to say, that I'm not feeling like a domestic goddess today. I'm also reminded that good health is not something to take for granted. I miss it already and it's only been a few days of living with a common cold. Looking forward to getting out of this house, I'm not really a fan of the hermit life. Before I can do that, I suppose I should go conquer the chaos that once was my house.

My "remorseful" mess maker
My little girl sleeping with all her brothers blankets because hers are all dirty...   :/

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