Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Value of a Moment

Get'n some sugar
She was a spunky lady, Esther Alexander. I saw in her a rare intensity and determination for life. I remember seeing her house for the first time and realizing just how meticulous this woman was. She was very proud of her hard work and it could be intimidating... until she brought out a bowl of her "pitaseeo pudd'n" or bounced a chunk of a grand child on her aged knees while singing, "Ride a horsey."
She had a fun and sassy side that brought out sarcastic banter that ended with her slapping your knee and laughing.

All dressed up and looking classy as ever.
At our wedding April 2010
Holding Luke was never an easy task- such a chunky monkey. She made it look effortless.
Esther's son Jimmy and his gorgeous wife Gwendolyn- my amazing in-laws.

She loved deeply. She often spoke of her late husband and loved to show off his handy work. Whether it be the house he built her or the woodwork in it.

I can't imagine the pain of losing a child, but she endured giving birth to a still born. I'm grateful to her for adopting my father-in-law, for had it not been- I might not have the family that I am a part of today!

As we all sat in the little chapel to remember her life and prepare to say goodbye- I looked down the two full pews that contained almost all of her grandchildren. I was overwhelmed by how much fuller my life is because of each of these lives I sat next to. My husband, these brothers and sisters, my father-in-law and mother-in-law, or as I like to call them, Dad and Mom.

Taking a ride on Great Grandma's Walker

Always had to go get seafood!

Headbutting should be a bad thing- but Grandma started it!

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Our most recent trip- this past Thanksgiving. More seafood!

She loved being a goof with the kids. :)

Saying goodbye is never easy, but I'm thankful for the reflection is brings- for the bonds it deepens. For the reminder that life is a blessing and that we don't know how much our life is molding the lives of those around us- or even lives yet to come.

As I said goodbye to Esther, I was inspired to live more aware of those around me- to live in a way that would bring joy and hope to others. To be thankful for the people closest to me and to not take for granted their lives. For each life is precious and meaningful.

 I praise God for Esther Alexander. For her life, her love, and the changes she made to this world. God created her with wonderful purpose and I'm grateful to have benefited from becoming part of her life and her family.

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