Throw your BabiesRUs registry in the garbage. These are what you really need if you have kids. Or a husband. Or a slobby self. At least, these are the things I use and depend on the most in my crazy chaos of motherhood.
1. Coffee and coffee pot
At this point in my life I am not so much a snob when it comes to coffee. I need it and I'll drink it just about anyway I can get it. Right now we are enjoying an organic Peruvian from Aldi and its only $4.97 for 12oz. It brews super smooth, no acidity, and tastes amazing. I never thought I'd like coffee from Aldi but there you have it.
I've gone through a few different coffee makers already because they get a lot of use. I also have a french press that I mainly use for back up or when I have time to wait for my coffee (NOT OFTEN), and I LOVE my espresso maker Jared got me for Christmas a few years ago. None of them are pricey options--the coffee pot we currently use was on sale at Walmart for $20, French press was $20, and my Espresso machine was around $50. It's Mr.Coffee and works great for what I want it for.

2. My Daddy Diaper Bag
Found this at Walmart for $5 on clearance and I love it. Not super cute-- but girls--let me tell you. Its light weight, even with all the stuff I cram into it, has latches to hook my keys onto (LOVE), and it has just the right amount of pockets. My first diaper bag had a bazillion pockets and I could never remember which pocket had what in it. Do yourself a favor and go simple!

3. Steam cleaner
It all started when Luke was about 2 and took handfuls of ashes from our fireplace ( summer time- no fire in it--don't worry) and scattered ashes across our couch and all over the floor. I called Jared, whimpering and he showed up with a Bissel steam vac that he bought used on Craigslist. I've used it every day since. Okay, not that often, but often enough that I would say to register for one instead of a stroller. For reals. You can get strollers for $5 at a yard sale...

4. Portable steam cleaner
Yes, I have two. I got this one a couple years ago and I love it almost as much, maybe more, than the large one. It is perfect for milk spills, couch cushions, your car seats...
Register for one. Or when you have a ton of Kohls cash from buying your husband new work clothes, use it for one of these. :)
5. Norwex rags
These things are pricey and you'll probably say, WUT? At the $16 for a rag. I only have 2 of the "green everything" rags, one window rag, and they get used. With just a little water your windows are spotless and lint free. I love them for my appliances too- buh bye fingerprints.
Once, Erin dumped out a whole bottle of foundation on my carpet, I used my green norwex rag and my carpet came super clean. I thought I ruined my rag--nope! Threw it in the wash machine, then boiled it to get the extra makeup out and walah--good as new!
FYI, the e-cloth ( norwex rival) do work good. I just have one and it scrubbed my tub just as well as the norex. If you check ebay you can find new ones cheaper too--sorry norwex ambassador friends--I'm...shall we say...thrifty?

6. BB Creme
When I need to run out but don't want to do make up, while still showing mercy to the poor cashiers- this stuff is perfect. Just enough to make you look awake and together without much effort. I throw this on with a bit of blush--maybe mascara, chap stick and out the door!

Not an exhaustive list by any means, and if I didn't have to go chase some kiddos I'd think of some more.
Remember just KISS. Keep It Simple Steve...

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