- Clean bathroom ( aka--soak everything in bleach because the toilet is just one option for going potty in- to toddlers)
-Do dishes ( all of them- that were there last night too because you decided to have quality time with your hubs. Netflix and bowls of cereal.)
-Laundry. (Your laundry...because you spent all last week doing everyone else's and you're tired of wearing the same yoga pants that have last weeks dinner menus wiped all over them.)
-Vacuum. (In an effort to keep youngest child from eating UDO's--unidentifiable deteriorating objects...though so far he has survived...)
-Wipe down windows and front door. (UPS man is coming and all those strawberry jelly and pb hand streaks could look like you have locked up twenty children and are keeping them captive.
-Take a shower and if time allows- use soap. (This chore is optional, unless its been over a week)
You made it through the first part of the first chore. When you remember you don't want to get bleach on your last "nice" pair of black yoga pants ( not sure they qualify as yoga since they were purchased at Wallyworld in the clearance aisle for $2 and they NEVER get used for yoga)--so you go to change into an old junky pair of jeans. While changing you think, "I don't want to put clean jeans on- I'm gross--maybe I'll take a shower." Turn on shower. From the other room, "MOOOOOOOOMMMMMMYYYYYYY!!!
Go straighten out sibling squabbles, dump snacks on the floor, turn on tv and tell them mommys in the shower for the next ten seconds. BE GOOD.
Go back to shower, mid sudsing- "MOOOOMMMYYY! Mommy. MOOOMMY.MOOOOMMMMYYYYY!!!!".....drip drip drip....What?!
"I dropped my snack."---Good for you. BYE.
Go get dressed despite not knowing just how much of you got cleaned.
Dressed. Lunch time. Cuz they are still hungry after eating snacks.
Clean up.
Naptime for baby.
Afternoon coffee for mom.
****buzz*** text from husband. " Heading home, need anything?" Reply. "NOPE." HOW IS IT 5:30 already?!
Here are five dinners that cook up in a hubs is headed home hurry!
Cabbage and Carrot Stir Fry
I made this for the first time last week and it was so good! Kids loved it too- well, except for a few of the bigger bites of turkey that had more spice to it. :) I used ground turkey instead of beef, doubled the recipe so we would have leftovers, and added around 8 oz of penne pasta for added kid appeal.
Roasted Red Pepper Chicken-
This Roasted Red Chicken recipe is one of my favorites- its so yummy and fast! You can easily double it--leftovers are amazing. Just add a little chicken broth to the drippings for more sauce the next day.
2 lg boneless chicken breast
Fresh spinach
4 oz mozzerella
1 jar of roasted red peppers in garlic oil
salt and pepper
¼ tsp Garlic powder
¼ tsp Onion powder
1 tsp Oregano
Preheat oven to 400
rinse and pat chicken dry, place in a 13x9 roasting pan. Generously sprinkle with salt and pepper, then garlic powder, onion powder, and oregano. Pour garlic oil from red peppers on top of chicken, as well as chopped peppers. Bake till chicken is no longer pink, internal temp 160, then top chicken with cheese and broil till just brown.
Place chicken on top of bed of spinach and pour juices on top.
Serve with side of green beans and spaghetti noodles seasoned with olive oil, salt, and parmesan cheese.
Mushroom Frittata with Hash Browns
I try to keep flour shells and/or tortilla chip on hand. Just brown up some ground beef or turkey and add these spices--I usually add all of these spices to 1.5 lbs of beef or turkey, add 8 oz of tomato sauce, and 1/4 cup of beef or chicken broth. Also, a dash of Chipotle pepper makes them taste even better but if you have little kids go easy because it can make it spicy! Last step is to add all your favorite toppings! We usually do cheese, bell peppers, rice, lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream, salsa...
Pea and Carrot Soup
I already had homemade pesto on hand so I just added 2 heaping tbsp. to the soup, I also left out the rice because I don't like it when soup gets soaked up by rice. This soup is much tastier than I thought I would be and the kids and husband loved it too. I served it with homemade pizza but on nights with less time- just toast!
Penne with Turkey and Broccolini
I used two large broccoli crowns instead and added chopped roasted red peppers to this. Jared and I also added crushed red pepper flakes to our plates to give it a little kick. Serve with garlic bread and its fast simple and kid friendly!
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