Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Grocery Shopping Once a Month! Think FOOD, FOOD, FOOOD!!

Not very happy that he cannot eat the mini marshmallows.
It took me a month to go grocery shopping by myself after having Erin. I know it sounds pathetic- but the idea of keeping track of Luke, nursing a newborn every two hours, and remember everything on my list- was intimidating. I like to shop at Aldi, but you have to bag your groceries, which is not exactly easy with a bored toddler who really wants to eat the mini marshmallows you picked up. The perk of going to a more expensive store where they bag your groceries for you, is mighty tempting. In an effort to save time, money, and my sanity I looked into shopping once a month. This month is only the second time I have done our shopping this way, so I still considerate it under trial. However, I am very happy to report that both shopping trips have been extremely successful in that they were both under our budget! Our monthly budget for groceries is set at $400- including things like toiletries and pantry staples. February we spent $275 on everything we needed for the month and March we spent $300. However, we don't buy all our milk at once since we are getting fresh milk from a local farm each week. That calculated in though, if that is all we end up needed to buy for the rest of the month would take us to $315 for this month. February being a short month may have made things a little easier, so this month will be a true test as to how well I planned our menus and spending accordingly.
It usually takes me about three days to plan all my menus for the month, and then a day or so to cut out any coupons that I find and write my list. I'm hoping after a few months this process gets faster! Our menus look something like this:
                               Breakfast: Weekdays: oatmeal with fruit or steel cut oats. Weekends: eggs, bacon, and scones/waffles/ pancakes.
                                   Lunch: Leftovers from the night before if there is enough after packing Jared's lunch--if not Luke and I have sandwiches and fresh veggies steamed or cut up with ranch on the side
                                 Dinner: One or two meatless meals a week, a chicken dish, a fish dish, a beef/venison dish and Saturday are always leftover or what we can make quickly with what's in the frig.

I am a BIG snacker. Ask Jared. Both times in the hospital after having a baby, all I wanted to do was snack. Every time Jared looked over at me I was ordering more food. So it's a bit of a challenge to not buy crackers and pretzels--or chocolate---but I have been forcing myself to bake homemade snacks, and not only do they taste better Luke loves helping and it's so fun to let him- all be it a bit messy! Planning on trying out homemade cheddar cracker and graham crackers this month. We have a Whirlly popper and I've been making a ton of popcorn. So cheap and you can flavor it so many different ways! LOVE POPCORN! Also, nuts and raisins have been a big snack replacement. Never thought I would do that but here I am!
Making muffins!

Looking forward to how this month goes- I will try and update in April with how it went!


  1. Where do you get your local milk from? - Liz

  2. From Showman Farms in Edinboro. http://showmanfarms.com/index.php?pr=Home_Page

    I really want to check out this place too! http://duransfarmfreshproducts.com/?page_id=27
